
Leadership for Faith is provided by our Consistory; made up of 3 elders, 3 deacons, and the pastors. Elders have responsibility for the spiritual needs of the congregation, Deacons have responsibility for the physical needs of the congregation, and the Consistory as a whole gives overall leadership and direction for our ministry and life together. Elders and deacons are elected to 3-year terms; we stand in a faith tradition which calls and ordains women, as well as men, to all offices of church leadership.

Current Elders:  Dominick Castaldo, Daniel Luczak (V.P.), Ranee Sudkamp

Current Deacons:  Sandy Johnson, Christine Ofloy (Clerk), Randy Vokral



meRev. Christopher Poest, Pastor:   Christopher is the 9th pastor of Faith, and has served with us since February 2004.  He is a native of suburban Cleveland, and a graduate of Hope College (B.A.) and Western Theological Seminary (M.Div.). He and his wife Elizabeth live in Stickney.





Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Bjorling Poest, Youth Pastor: (picture and bio coming soon!)